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Building Skeleton Joints for Maya

· One min read
Byungnam Lee

building skeleton joints for Maya



maya hotkeys

Common Hotkeys used in Maya
F1 Maya Help
F2 Animation menu
F3 Modeling menu
F4 Surfaces menu
1 Rough NURBS smooth/Actual polygonal preview
2 Medium NURBS smooth/Polygonal smooth + actual cage preview
3 Fine NURBS smooth/Polygonal smooth preview
4 Wireframe mode
5 Shaded mode
6 Hardware texturing
7 Show light simulation
q Select tool
w Move tool
e Rotate tool
r Scale tool
t Show manipulators
y Last tool selected
s Sets a keyframe
f Frame selection in current view
g Repeat last command
ctrl+ g Groups selection
p Parents first selection (or more) to last selected
P (shift + p) Unparents first selection (or more) to last selected v
Snap to point
b Resizes artisan brush
x Snap to grid
z (ctrl+ z) Undo
Z (shift + z) Redo
+ /= Increase manipulator size
- Decrease manipulator size
Spacebar (hold) Show hotbox
Spacebar (tap) When done over a viewport, maximizes/minimizes current window
Insert Key Pivot point edit mode
F2– Animation, F3 – Polygons, and F4 – Surfaces)


